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4 Weeks to Live

 Author: Don McGraw  Categories: Mystery, Thriller  Pages: 260  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: MysteryThriller | More Details  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Thriller | 4 Weeks to Live
 Excerpt  :

My moment alone in this scrupulously examined space is short-lived, and it is no mystery to passersby why I continually pivot my sightline from the forty-seventh floor to the concrete below my feet and then back again. A few mumble unneeded confirmation of my location and join me in a momentary mental reenactment of the fateful fall, the details of which require no imagination. The fall itself was captured by several I-phones and shared with the world within seconds of death. And as it would turn out, this collection of horrific video footage would lend the necessary emotion to sway a jury of twelve to issue the ultimate sentence to the man accused of tossing Virginia Crowley over the rail of her penthouse suite. What once appeared to be nothing more than a dramatic suicide by a privileged but privately troubled socialite was soon determined to be cold-hearted and calculated murder by none other than Crowley’s estranged ex-husband, highly successful financier, Karl Dutton.

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