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Cabin Fever

 Author: B. M. Bower  Categories: Fiction, Literature, Romance, Thriller, Western  Published: 1918  Pages: 142  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: MysterySurvivalSuspense |  Download Book  Read Online
Books | Western | Cabin Fever
 Excerpt  :

Sentiment lurked behind every great, mossy tree bole. New beauties unfolded in the winding drive up over the mountain crests. Bud was terribly in love with the world in those days.

There were the evenings he spent in the Basin, sitting beside Marie in the huge campfire circle, made wonderful by the shadowy giants, the redwoods; talking foolishness in undertones while the crowd sang snatches of songs which no one knew from beginning to end, and that went very lumpy in the verses and very much out of harmony in the choruses.

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