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Deep Work

 Author: Cal Newport  Categories: Non-Fiction, Yb-Editors-Choice  Published: 2016  Pages: 190  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Productivity |  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Non-Fiction | Deep Work
 Description  :

Deep Work : Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport presents a compelling argument for the benefits of focused, uninterrupted work in a world filled with distractions. Newport introduces the concept of “deep work” which he describes as the ability to focus intensely on cognitively demanding tasks, leading to higher productivity and quality output. He contrasts this with “shallow work” or tasks that can be done without much mental effort, often driven by distractions. Newport offers practical advice and techniques to cultivate a deep work routine, minimize distractions, and ultimately achieve a more productive, meaningful work life.

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