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Food Microbiology

 Categories: Environment, Health  Pages: 478  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Food SafetyMicrobiology | More Details  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Health | Food Microbiology
 Excerpt  :

Microbiology is the science which includes the study of the occurrence and significance of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae which are the beginning and ending of intricate food chains upon which all life depends. Most food chains begin wherever photosynthetic organisms can trap light energy and use it to synthesize large molecules from carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts forming the proteins, fats and carbohydrates which all other living creatures use for food.

Within and on the bodies of all living creatures, as well as in soil and water, micro-organisms build up and change molecules, extracting energy and growth substances. They also help to control population levels of higher animals and plants by parasitism and pathogenicity.

The Scope of Food Microbiology

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