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How To Write A Business Plan

 Categories: Business, Educational, Yb-Editors-Choice  Pages: 290  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Financial PlanningMarketing StrategiesRisk Management | More Details  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Business | How To Write A Business Plan
 Excerpt  :

Now, here’s a word about revisions and changing your plan. I firmly believe in writing your first thoughts on paper and letting them rest for a day or two. Then you can edit, expand, and revise later to get a more perfect statement. In this book, I show examples of Antoinette’s writing process. (I’m grateful she’s such a good sport.) Most people discover about halfway through writing their plan that they want to change either their assumptions or some of the plan they’ve already written. My best advice is this: Complete the plan all the way through on your original set of assumptions.

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