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Quantitative Methods In Finance

 Author: Carol Alexander  Categories: Business, Educational  Pages: 320  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Data AnalysisEducationalFinanceInvestment AnalysisRisk ManagementStep-by-Step Learning |  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Educational | Quantitative Methods In Finance
 Excerpt  :

Financial risk management is a new quantitative discipline. Its development began during the 1970s, spurred on by the first Basel Accord, between the G10 countries, which covered the regulation of banking risk. Over the past 30 years banks have begun to understand the risks they take, and substantial progress has been made, particularly in the area of market risks.

Here the availability of market data and the incentive to reduce regulatory capital charges through proper assessment of risks has provided a catalyst to the development of market risk management software. Nowadays this software is used not only by banks, but also by asset managers, hedge funds, insurance firms and corporate treasurers. Understanding market risk is the first step towards managing market risk.

Quantitative Methods In Finance  |  Free eBook   |  Download & Read Online  Carol Alexander  |  Download Book For Free


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