Shifting Stars
Author: Gary Stringer Categories: Adventure, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Yb-Editors-Choice Pages: 191 Language: English Format: PDF Tags: Exploration | Fantasy | Science Fiction | Supernatural | Download Book Read Online
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Excerpt :
The moon is but a silver sliver in a starry sky, as I gaze out of my window. Hence, my desk is littered with lighted candles aplenty and an oil lamp for extra illumination on this page. Of course, I could simply speak a word of magic and light up this room as brightly as if it were Midsummer’s Day. Indeed, in this age of magical wonders, there are commonplace spells with which I could transfer my thoughts directly onto magical recording devices. But tonight is not a night for magic.
These days, there is a small but vocal group of individuals who believe we have become lazy in this modern age and desensitised to the non-magical wonders that have surrounded us for who knows how long. Aunt Dreya would call that ‘sentimental nonsense.’ For her, magic is all; even more so since Ascending to the higher planes. Oh, how I miss her!
Shifting stars | Free eBook | Download & Read Online | Gary Stringer | Download Book For Free
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