Sleeping Prince
Author: Stephanie Van Orman Categories: Adventure, Fantasy, Yb-Editors-Choice Pages: 152 Language: English Format: PDF Tags: Adventures | Dark Secrets | Fantasy | Redemption | More Details Download Book Read Online
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Excerpt :
He was sitting in the cockpit of his Cannonball III solarship . Blinking lights and screens registered colorblind readings all around him. His seat was comfortable. The artificial gravity was a few ticks lighter than it had been on Earth. It was meant to mimic the gravity common to the four large moons in the Jovian system. He was orbiting Callisto while he waited for the instructions Tanya was going to relay from head office.
Gage had said that the pickup had gone fine and it had gone fine. Tickety boo, but there was something wrong that he couldn’t put his finger on.
The model he had retrieved was Iona Stirling. She was the third most expensive model Sleeping Beauty Inc. had on offer on Callisto. Ninth most expensive for the Jovian region. In truth, she was the most expensive model that Gage escorted on a regular basis.
Sleeping Prince | Free eBook | Download & Read Online | Stephanie Van Orman | Download Book For Free
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