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The Art of War

 Author: Zi Sun  Categories: Historical, Philosophy  Pages: 185  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Strategic Planning |  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Historical | The Art of War
 Description  :

The Art of War is a famend historical Chinese military treatise attributed to the army strategist Sun Tzu, additionally regarded as Sun Zi or Sun Wu. Composed round the fifth century BCE, this influential work has transcended its unique cause as a army guide and has determined application in a number of areas such as business, politics, and daily life.

The e book “The Art of War” is divided into 13 chapters, every presenting profound insights into the artwork of war and techniques for reaching victory. While combat is the foremost subject, the standards mentioned in “The Art of War” lengthen past the battlefield, emphasizing the significance of cautious planning, strategic thinking, and grasp the dynamics of conflict.

( Translated from the Chinese with Introduction and Critical Notes by Lionel Giles, M.A. )

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