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The “Genius”

 Author: Theodore Dreiser  Categories: Fiction, Literature  Published: 1915  Pages: 775  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: American LiteratureClassic LiteratureComing-of-Age |  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Fiction | The “Genius”
 Excerpt  :

The second meeting happened on Saturday evening as arranged, when he came home from his odd day at his father’s insurance office. Stella had come to supper. Eugene saw her through the open sitting room door, as he bounded upstairs to change his clothes, for he had a fire of youth which no sickness of stomach or weakness of lungs could overcome at this age. A thrill of anticipation ran over his body. – The “Genius” – He took especial pains with his toilet, adjusting a red tie to a nicety, and parting his hair carefully in the middle. He came down after a while, conscious that he had to say something smart, worthy of himself, or she would not see how attractive he was; and yet he was fearful as to the result.

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