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The Wordy Shipmates

 Author: Sarah Vowell  Categories: Historical, Humor, Non-Fiction  Published: 2008  Pages: 180  Language: English  Format: PDF  Tags: Historical Fiction | More Details  Download Book  Read Online
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Books | Historical | The Wordy Shipmates
 Description  :

The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell is a witty and insightful exploration of America’s Puritan roots and their enduring influence on the nation’s identity. With her trademark blend of humor, history, and sharp cultural analysis, Vowell brings to life the early settlers of New England and their quest to build a “city upon a hill.” From the Mayflower voyage to the founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Vowell delves into the complexities of Puritan ideology, their fraught relationship with Native Americans, and their impact on American democracy.

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