Loose Lips Sink Ships
Author: Katrina LaCroix Categories: Romance, Thriller Pages: 77 Language: English Format: PDF Tags: Dark Secrets | Historical Fiction | Historical Romance | Suspense | More Details Download Book Read Online
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 Excerpt  :
Why was he sleeping with random girls who had huge birthmarks on their faces? What happened to his standards, his integrity, his manhood? It was ridiculous for him to be lying next to some woman he’d just met in a shabby downtown hotel room. Carter was hung-over, unable to think clearly. Didn’t he have a girlfriend? Oh, right…scratch that.
Looking her over, she appeared to be sweet enough even though the birthmark made her look like she was going to a football game. Her lips moved a bit. She was starting to stir. He could already tell she had the kind temperament of a girl who could truly and deeply care about him. That’s what Carter desired above all else. She groaned and put her hand to her forehead. When she removed it to brush away some of her blonde hair, her innocent blue eyes caught him.
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