The Odyssey of Homer, vol 5
Author: Alexander Pope Categories: Classic, Poetry Pages: 485 Language: English Format: PDF Tags: Adventures | Classic Literature | Mythology and Legends | More Details Download Book Read Online
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Excerpt :
The following passage betrays the same tendency to connect the personages of the poems with the history of the poet, which has already been mentioned…
“In his poetical compositions Homer displays great gratitude towards Mentor of Ithaca, in the Odyssey, whose name he has inserted in his poem as the companion of Ulysses, in return for the care taken of him when afflicted with blindness. He also testifies his gratitude to Phemius, who had given him both sustenance and instruction.”
His celebrity continued to increase, and many persons advised him to visit Greece whither his reputation had now extended. Having, it is said, made some additions to his poems calculated to please the vanity of the Athenians, of whose city he had hitherto made no mention, he set out for Samos. Here, being recognized by a Samian, who had met with him in Chios, he was handsomely received, and invited to join in celebrating the Apaturian festival. He recited some verses, which gave great satisfaction, and by singing the Eiresione at the New Moon festivals, he earned a subsistence, visiting the houses of the rich, with whose children he was very popular.
The Odyssey of Homer, vol 5 | Free eBook | Download & Read Online | Alexander Pope | Download Book For Free
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